


Bekjo® sinks are individually made with premium POSCO steel. The sinks go through a thorough and extensive process to ensure that they are of the highest quality.

  • Underlay/overmount.
  • Sinks only available with overflow.
  • Accessories Included:
    • waste & overflow kit
    • wire basket
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M: 1000
T: 813 x 525 x 229
B: 400 x 470 x 219
B2: 330 x 420 x 171
H: 89

Dimensions Key

M: Minimum Cabinet Size
T: Size of Sink (Outer Dimensions)
B: Bowl Size
H: Drain size

All dimensions are in mm
For all products in this range there is room for measurement error of ±3mm


Care and Maintenance for your Bekjo Sink



  • When first used, wash it with a neutral detergent.

  • Rub the surface with water until bubbles aren’t observed.

  • Do not keep water in the bowl too long.

  • Wipe out the bowl with a dry cloth often to keep it clean.

Preventing Damage

  • Keep hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and bleach away from the stainless surface.

  • Do not leave the sink bowl stained with food waste.

  • Metal scourers may scratch the stainless steel surface. It is recommended that a sponge is used when cleaning the inside of the sink bowl.


Installing your Bekjo Sink



The sink/bowl is installed over mount. The size of the tops follows the regulations of measuring 12mm from the wing’s outer diameter.



The sink/bowl is installed under mount. The size of the tops follows the regulations of measuring 4mm from the wing’s inner diameter.